
Nigeria is Africa's most populated country, and of that population, over 50% are under the age of 24. The Lord has led us to focus specifically on the youth as this large part of the population desires hope for the future. They have incredible potential but, in many cases, lack the resources necessary to ensure their success. According to, "only 61 percent of 6-11 year-olds regularly attend primary school and only 35.6 percent of children aged 36-59 months receive early childhood education." Attendance is especially low when it comes to females. Many factors create this issue, including the cost of education and infrastructure.
Education in Nigeria is not free, and many families cannot afford it. An abundance of schools face problems such as constant power outages lack of textbooks and other teaching materials. Ignition633 is in partnership with the queen of the Tiv tribe, Felicia Ayatse, to help support education in Nigeria, specifically educating those in IDP camps. These IDP camps have very inconsistent resources, but all of them lack; some camps may have a structure, while others have no structure at all, and students attend class under a tree for shade. The IDP camps with facilities do not have desks or seating for students; they sit on the concrete floor during their lessons. Blackboards at these camps are in poor condition or completely non-existent. Due to the lack of resources, finding teachers willing to work in these conditions isn't easy.
Most of the displaced students in the camps are not receiving a quality education. As they grow, they are disadvantaged by default, thus perpetuating a cycle of poverty.
Ignition633 will help refugees at these IDP camps get the resources they need such as clean water, school supplies, and proper education facilities.
We will set up a training facility to ensure the students receive the help and proper skills training, thus lifting their entire community. This training facility will teach skills in many different fields such as technology and software development, automotive repair, woodworking/carpentry, sewing, and Biblical studies.