Thousand Hills Ranch
In 2019, the Nigerian government demonstrated enthusiasm and support of our mission by giving 80,000 acres of undeveloped land to the Ignition633 Team. Our vision for this land we call Thousand Hills Ranch is to enhance the economy in Nigeria by teaching the people efficient farming and ranching techniques and by giving them access to tools and resources. Although Nigeria has incredibly rich soil and most of its economy stems from agriculture, current farming techniques used in Nigeria fail to harness the land’s potential for profit. Nigeria tends to have small farms rather than large-scale farming, most likely due to a lack of modern agricultural equipment, as many Nigerian farmers rely on simple tools and do much of the work by hand. Ignition633 Ministries, in partnership with U.S.-based organic farms, aims to teach Nigerian families how to cultivate the land, bringing prosperity to both the family units and the land. We plan to assist families who are currently living in IDP camps. These are people who have been driven from their homes by Fulani herdsmen and lack the aid to become independent once again.
Not only will this program help to get people back on their feet and provide for their families again, but it also solves a much larger problem by taking away funding from Fulani.
The Fulani herdsmen are primarily funded internally by cattle production in Nigeria, ruthlessly controlling over 90% of the cattle market in the nation. Sadly, they destroy any cattle producer they perceive as a threat. Our plan is simply to bring an organic style of cattle ranching to Nigeria that does not yet exist. We are patterning this after two of the top organic ranches here in the U.S., Polyface Farms Northern Virginia and White Oak Pastures in Georgia. Their production exceeds meat production in the U.S. by most cattle ranchers in both quality and quantity per acre. We believe their ranching style will work perfectly in Benue State to bring a cattle production that Nigeria (or Africa for that matter) has never seen before.
Lastly, but most importantly, our goal is to spread the love of Jesus Christ and teach not only agriculture and farming but also how to have a relationship with Him in all that we do.
Thousands have already come to know Jesus as Savior. We are thrilled to walk through the doors the Lord opens for us to teach and interact with the beautiful people of Nigeria. As God continues to provide, we are committed to long-term relationships and partnerships to see them thrive economically and spiritually.