These are the Issues...

Facing Nigeria Today

Fulani Herdsmen Oppression

The Fulani are an Islamic tribe throughout West Africa with a significant population in Nigeria. They are predominantly nomadic, and make their living by herding and trading cattle. There are many radicalized groups of Fulani who have taken up the Islamic Jihad movement and have targeted Christian villages to seize lands needed for their cattle to graze, as well as to achieve their extreme religious beliefs by exterminating Christians.

These Fulani Herdsman attacks are DEVESTATING. They pillage and burn down the villages. Many people are ruthlessly killed in their wake of destruction. The villages are purposely left uninhabitable and those who escape seek never to return.

Internally Displaced People [IDP] Camps

The people came into the camps carrying only what they could grab as they fled for their lives. There is currently no organized effort in place to assist this forgotten group. When our team visited for the first time to assess the crises and pray directly with the distraught refugees, two requests immediately emerged:

The ability to bathe. The women in the camps whispered privately to the women on our team that they needed water to bathe. Most of the people in the camps have no ability to wash themselves or attend to their most basic hygiene needs, and go days without bathing in temperatures normally above 100F. Many of the camps do not have good access to clean water and certainly not soap or other cleaning products.

Food. Food is extremely limited. There is constant urgent need for even basic food provisions.

Poor Education

The people came into the camps carrying only what they could grab as they fled for their lives. There is currently no organized effort in place to assist this forgotten group. When our team visited for the first time to assess the crises and pray directly with the distraught refugees, two requests immediately emerged:

The ability to bathe. The women in the camps whispered privately to the women on our team that they needed water to bathe. Most of the people in the camps have no ability to wash themselves or attend to their most basic hygiene needs, and go days without bathing in temperatures normally above 100F. Many of the camps do not have good access to clean water and certainly not soap or other cleaning products.

Food. Food is extremely limited. There is constant urgent need for even basic food provisions.

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